Whistleblowing Under California Employment Laws

California whistleblowing law is designed to protect employees who report misconduct at work. These laws protect employees in Los AngelesSan Francisco, and throughout the state from retaliation.

Whistleblowing refers to when an employee “blows the whistle” on his or her employer by reporting the employer’s misconduct which can include:

  1. Violation of a state or federal law,
  2. Violation or noncompliance with a local, state, or federal rule or regulation, or
  3. Unsafe working conditions or practices in the context of employee health and safety.

The main protection for whistleblowers in California is found in Labor Code Section 1102.5.

In this article, the California whistleblower lawyers at Ottinger Employment Lawyers will go over the laws and protections that whistleblowers face in California.

If you have additional questions, please contact us today.

What is Covered by California’s Whistleblower Law?

The California whistleblower law prohibits employers from retaliating against an employee who reports violations of law or noncompliance with local, state, or federal rules or regulations.

In addition, the whistleblower law protects employees from retaliation for refusing to participate in an activity that would be a violation of the law.

Firing an employee for whistleblowing is a form of wrongful termination.

Under Government Code Section 8547.1, which extends whistleblower protections to employees of government agencies, it is the declared intention of the state legislature that, in addition to violations of law, state employees should also be free to report “waste, fraud, abuse of authority” and “threat to public health” without any fear of retribution.

Increased Protections Under the Whistleblower Law

In 2014, the general California whistleblower law was expanded in three important ways:

  • First – Protection against whistleblower retaliation in California was extended to employees who report suspected illegal behavior internally. Whether they report to either a supervisor or another employee with authority to investigate, discover or correct the reported violation.
  • Second – employees also now receive protection if they believe they have been retaliated against based on the employer’s belief that the employee has either already disclosed or will later disclose a violation of the law. This is regardless of whether any actual disclosure of unlawful activity has been made by the employee.
  • Third – the types of complaints an employee may make under the whistleblower protections were expanded to include violations of local rules and regulations, such as city charters and municipal codes, in addition to state and federal laws. For example, certain cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco have their local laws and ordinances. Reporting potential violations of those local laws are now covered by California’s whistleblower laws.

What Counts as Retaliation Under the California Whistleblower Laws?

Whistleblower retaliation can take many forms. The most obvious is, of course, being fired.

But retaliation can happen in other ways, as well. For instance, you could be demoted or denied a promotion for which you would otherwise be considered.

You could also be isolated from other workers, you could get threats or be harassed in other ways, you could be denied access to resources you need to do your job, or you could be denied access to professional development opportunities.

You might also face retaliation that is related to your or a family member’s immigration status.

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Can I Become a Whistleblower and Remain Anonymous?

It may be possible in some cases to remain anonymous, but you would be wise not to count on it. It can be extremely difficult to remain anonymous, since many cases eventually become public.

Even if it is possible to remain unknown to the public in some cases, you should still expect that the entity you are blowing the whistle against could eventually learn your identity.

That entity will be entitled to defend itself against claims that they are doing or has done something wrong.

The more serious the wrongdoing, the more vigorously an organization may feel compelled to defend itself.

Reasonable Cause of Wrongdoing is Enough Under the Whistleblowing Law

You do not have to prove beyond “a shadow of a doubt,” that your organization, company, or state agency is violating a law, rule, or regulation in order to claim protection under California’s whistleblower law.

You do need to have reasonable cause to believe that there is some sort of illegal conduct or wrongdoing.

Even if the underlying conduct is not ultimately determined to be unlawful, making a good faith complaint based on your reasonable belief is enough to trigger the California whistleblower law’s protection against retaliation by your employer.

Filing a California Whistleblower Complaint or Lawsuit

If you are thinking of becoming a whistleblower, you may wish to seek the advice of one of our California whistleblower attorneys before you move forward. This could help you fully understand your options in the event of any fallout.

If you are already a whistleblower who is dealing with retaliation in California, you might wish to consult one of our lawyers to discuss your options for filing a retaliation lawsuit.

Remedies Under the Whistleblower Law

If you win a whistleblower retaliation claim, your employer may be required to reinstate employment and work benefits, pay your lost wages, and compensate you for pain and suffering or emotional distress.

Whistleblower verdicts can be very large. Jurors tend to punish companies for firing employees who report misconduct in the workplace.

Contact an Experienced Whistleblower Lawyer in California Today

If you have been fired or retaliated against for reporting misconduct in your workplace, contact the trusted whistleblower attorneys at the Ottinger Employment Lawyers today to schedule a consultation.

Our employment attorneys have extensive employment law knowledge and are committed to fighting for the rights of California employees.

For details about our Los Angeles office, click here.

For details about our San Francisco office, click here.

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